Tales from the front lines of running a small residential property management business: leaks, tenants, crawlies, and more...

Sunday, December 9, 2012


8:00 am Friday morning.
I arrived at work to find that my new sign had been installed. It's vinyl and black and green although it wasn't actually shining, it did look damn classy.
I had a moment. It's not every day that you open an office and see your business' name and logo appear on the street front for the first time.

This deserves a photo, I thought to myself.

I went inside to get my camera from my desk.

I got a phone call. My colleague arrived and we chatted a bit. 30 minutes later, camera in hand, I was ready to take the pics.

 Look again my friends (bottom left corner of the sign) : the pigeons has begun their dirty work ! There were at least four of them perched on the white siding just before I took this pic. They were giving me the evil bird eye !

And it didn't stop with one poo. Throughout the day, I checked on their progress. There seemed to be more and more of them huddled on the siding, bums perched over the edge, poised to dump their business on my nice new sign.

Moral of the story: solve one problem (eg. the sign) and another (pigeon poo) will appear in its place. It's a never-ending cycle !

And so began my quest for pigeon spikes.

I went to the small Rona in the neighorhood, and then the bigger Home Depot that's not far away.

"We don't carry those things," the staff told me.

Odd, I though to myself. Surely I'm not the only one with a pigeon poo problem.

Until I went to the really big Reno Depot that's really far away, on Saturday morning at 9 am. I finally found a store clerk who could offer me some real info.

Me: I'm looking for pigeon spikes.

Store guy: We don't sell those.

Me: Why? You could make a lot of money.

Store guy: They're illegal.

Me: What???

Store guy: Yes. The SPCA lobbied to have them outlawed because they can damage the pigeons.

Me: Seriously? Did they also outlaw rat traps too?

Store guy (laughs): No. Only pigeon spikes. You can take a board and put nails in it and then stick it upside down on your surface. Just make sure the guys from the city don't see it.


Grand opening on Tuesday. Pigeons pooing in vast numbers on my sign. What's a girl to do ??

The internet will save me ultimately, although maybe not by Tuesday. I managed to find some lovely bird spikes on the internet :

E-Spike Economy Stainless Steel Bird Spikes


I think this company is based in the USA. 

My only question : do you think they'll get through the border? Or are the customs guys looking for illegal pigeon spikes?!

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